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Setting a Preferred Dealership

Setting a Preferred Dealership allows you to conveniently interact with your dealership. You can schedule your next service, find directions, access contact information, and view hours of operation. 

You must have a vehicle added to the app before you can set a preferred dealership. 

  1. Navigate to the Home landing page.
  2. Select Vehicle Details.
  3. Tap Find a Dealer.
  4. You will then be taken through to the Find screen to select the Dealer search category.
  5. Select the Dealers category.
  6. Choose a Dealer near your location, or search in the Going somewhere field.
  7. Select the Pin of the Dealer you want to review by clicking on the pin directly or by swiping through the smart cards that appear below the pins.
  8. Click on the smart card to access the Dealers information.
  9. Tap the heart icon  next to Set Preferred.
  10. Select your vehicle.
  11. Tap Save to set your Dealer.
  12. Navigate to the Home landing page.
  13. Select Vehicle Details for your vehicle.
  14. Your Preferred Dealership should display. utilizează module cookie și tehnologii similare pe acest site web pentru a îmbunătăți și personaliza experiența dvs. de utilizator.

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