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Performance and Efficiency

Performanta si eficienta

Descopera cum poate tehnologia Ford sa imbunatateasca performantele de condus

O experienta de condus imbatabila - de fiecare data.

Ford EcoBoost

Performanta sporita si impact redus asupra mediului.

Vehicule electrice si hibride (HEV)

Iti ofera ce e mai bun din ambele lumi.

Ford Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV)
Ford EcoMode

Ford Eco Mode

Un sistem inteligent care te ajuta sa conduci mai eficient.

Auto Start-Stop

Foloseste mai putin combustibil, cu Auto-Start-Stop.



<% if (CustomerRatingsCombined) { %>
<%- CustomerRatingsCombined %> <%- CustomerRespondentsCombined %> Evaluări
<% } %> <% if (serviceList) { %>

<%- serviceList %>

<% } %> <% if (todayClosingTime) { %>


<% } %> <% if (todayPartsClosingTime) { %>


<% } %> <% if (todayServiceClosingTime) { %>


<% } %>
<% _.forEach(formattedAddress, function(addressLine) { %>

<%- addressLine %>

<% }); %>
<% if (PrimaryPhone) { %>

<%- PrimaryPhone %>

<% } %>


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